Past event information that previously appeared on the site is archived here.

Please note that the details relating to a particular event will appear immediately below here, and the list of articles that are available to read will appear below the article text.

Rogaine Events
09-Nov-08: Paterson's Pursuit Rogaine
Start Date  13/05/2011 12:00:00 AM
End Date 15/05/2011 12:00:00 AM
Event Name Mayhem “O” Weekend
Location Castlemaine; Glenluce

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday May 13-15 2011 BK is presenting a big weekend of “O” events


On Friday 13 May there will be a Street “O” in Castlemaine


On Saturday  14 May, there will be a morning Middle Distance event and an afternoon a Sprint Event.


On the Saturday evening there will be a club dinner in Castlemaine, with the club supporting the bill with a $10.00 payment per member attending. The subsidy for the meal is to thank members for their help in presenting events of this nature.


On Sunday 15 May there will be a full State Event on the Glenluce map.


This weekend represents BK’s major contribution to this years Bush ‘O’ Calendar.


Accommodation has been set aside at the Castlemaine Gardens Caravan Park.


Ring Jenny - 9397 3493 - ASAP to reserve Cabin accommodation.
