Past event information that previously appeared on the site is archived here.

Please note that the details relating to a particular event will appear immediately below here, and the list of articles that are available to read will appear below the article text.

Rogaine Events
09-Nov-08: Paterson's Pursuit Rogaine
Start Date  9/11/2008 10:00:00 AM
End Date 9/11/2008 4:00:00 PM
Event Name Paterson's Pursuit Rogaine
Location "Chiritta", Southern Strathbogies, West of Yarck

Click here for the photos from Paterson's Pursuit - a rollicking racetrack novelty event celebrating the Spring Racing Carnival starting at the Paterson family property. Quite a few took advantage of the weekend and camped at the Hash House on Saturday night before the event. 

Contact John Sheahan - 9397 3493;